It has nothing to do with location, of course, and everything to do with technology, specifically the induction cooktop. This type of stove is common in European restaurants and homes, and it has little in common with electric and gas. Induction cooking uses electromagnetism to heat pots and pans, and it accomplishes the task significantly faster.
But speed is just one of the benefits. Here, five reasons why a lot of people are willing to spend more on this piece of cooking equipment, beginning with what’s probably the most practical one: Induction, as we already mentioned, is really fast.
One of the biggest selling points of the induction cooktop is speed. It simply takes less time to cook food because the pan heats up quicker. That’s because while both gas and electric cooktops use a middleman to transfer heat to the pan — flames and an electric burner, respectively — an induction cooktop generates heat directly in the pan.
Electromagnetic activity in the cooktop triggers electromagnetic activity in the pan, and the pan itself heats up (see How Induction Cooktops Work for more on this process). The pan is the starting point of the heat. Since there are fewer steps involved in heating the cookware, it takes less time for the heat to get to the food — 25 percent to 50 percent less time, on average.
It’s this direct approach that gives induction most of its uniquely impressive qualities, including the one up next.
2.Energy Efficiency
It’s pretty easy to see why induction cooking would be more efficient than gas and electric if you think about the heating processes involved. A gas flame is going to release lots of heat around the pan, and an electric burner emits radiant heat at any point where it’s not in direct, firm contact with the pan. When heat is generated within the pan itself, as with induction, more of that heat gets to the food, and less of it warms up your kitchen.
The most obvious result of this increased energy efficiency is reduced energy consumption, meaning lower power bills and a healthier environment. Less concrete and more personal, though, is the greater comfort in your kitchen: You won’t sweat as much when you cook.
Another benefit of reduced accidental heat loss? The reduced possibility of accidents.

The stove top is easily one of the most dangerous places in the kitchen. It’s where grease fires begin, where the gas gets left on, and where little hands make contact with very hot surfaces.
First, the most obvious: No flame means no grease fires, and no gas means no gas leaks.
But the induction cooktop has another safety feature: It typically doesn’t get all that hot, since the heat is created in the pan itself. This means it would be far less likely for the cooktop to cause a burn. What’s more, the pan’s response to a turn of the dial is practically immediate, so as soon as you turn off the heat, the pan cools down. This makes it a lot more difficult to burn yourself as you pour your sautéed vegetables onto a serving plate.
For people who love to cook — or at least love to eat great home-cooked food — control is probably the most important feature of a cooktop. It’s why many serious cooks prefer gas to electric: Gas burners are more responsive when you adjust the dial. The temperature change is fast.
Induction cooktops are as responsive as gas to a turn of the dial, and they’ve got another thing going for them, too: more settings. Induction allows for much more precise control of heat, with more temperature increments and better performance at very low heat settings. In this way, induction makes cooking delicate sauces or just keeping food warm a lot easier than with a gas flame, which can often falter on the low setting.
Quicker cooking is great. Less-wasteful, safer and better cooking is great. Cooking that’s easier to clean up after is, we dare say, greater.
The smooth glass surface and the fact that they do not heat up like traditional cooktops means that anything that spills on the surface can be easily wiped away before it burns and sticks to the surface. You can even do this in the middle of the cooking and not burn yourself.
The smooth glass surface and the fact that they do not heat up like traditional cooktops means that anything that spills on the surface can be easily wiped away before it burns and sticks to the surface. You can even do this in the middle of the cooking and not burn yourself.Also AT Cooker’s equipment are by 304 stainless steel, it’s also easy to clean.